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Volume 21, February 2006
Victoria Ayala-Escobar, María de Jesús Yáñez-Morales, Uwe Braun, Johannes Z. Groenewald and Pedro W. Crous
Pseudocercospora opuntiae sp. nov., the causal organism of cactus leaf spot in Mexico (View PDF)
M. Capelari L.H. Rosa and M.-A. Lachance
Description and affinities of Agaricus martineziensis, a rare species (View PDF)
Dennis E. Desjardin and Clark L. Ovrebo
New species and new records of Marasmius from Panamá (View PDF)
Roberto Garibay-Orijel, J. Cifuentes, A. Estrada-Torres and J. Caballero
People using macro-fungal diversity in Oaxaca, Mexico (View PDF)
Paolo Gonthier, Massimo Gennaro and Giovanni Nicolotti
Effects of water stress on the endophytic mycota of Quercus robur (View PDF)
Lin Guo
Six new species of Anthracoidea (Ustilaginales) from China (View PDF)
Roland Kirschner and Meike Piepenbring
A new fungicolous species of Titaea and new reports of Bahusaganda indica and Exosporium ampullaceum (hyphomycetes) from tropical rainforests in Panama (View PDF)
Rampai Kodsueb, Rajesh Jeewon, Dhanasekaran Vijaykrishna, Eric H.C. McKenzie, Pipob Lumyong, Saisamorn Lumyong and Kevin D. Hyde
Systematic revision of Tubeufiaceae based on morphological and molecular data (View PDF)
Bernardo E. Lechner, Jorge E. Wright and Orlando Popoff
New taxa and new records for Argentina of fungi from Iguazú National Park, Misiones (View PDF)
Alan J.L. Phillips, Peter V. Oudemans, António Correia and Artur Alves
Characterisation and epitypification of Botryosphaeria corticis, the cause of blueberry cane canker (View PDF)
Clement K.M. Tsui, Mary L. Berbee, Rajesh Jeewon and Kevin D. Hyde
Molecular phylogeny of Dictyosporium and allied genera inferred from ribosomal DNA (View PDF)
Laia G. Valle
Asellariales (Trichomycetes) from the Iberian Peninsula (View PDF)
Marelize van Wyk, Jolanda Roux, Irene Barnes, Brenda D. Wingfield and Michael J. Wingfield
Molecular phylogeny of the Ceratocystis moniliformis complex and description of C. tribiliformis sp. nov. (View PDF)
D. Vijaykrishna and Kevin D. Hyde
Inter- and intra stream variation of lignicolous freshwater fungi in tropical Australia (View PDF)
Tie-Zheng Wei, Bao-Hong Tang, Y-Jian Yao& David N. Pegler
A revision of Sinotermitomyces, a synonym of Termitomyces (Agaricales) (View PDF) |
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Volume 22, June 2006
Barrasa, J.M., Esteve-Raventós, F. and Dähncke, R.M.
Clitocybula canariensis (Tricholomataceae), a new brown-rot fungus from the Canary Islands (Spain) (View PDF)
Braun, U., Hill, F. and Schubert, K.
New species and new records of biotrophic micromycetes from Australia, Fiji, New Zealand and Thailand (View PDF)
Gönczöl, J. and Révay, A.
Species diversity of rainborne hyphomycete conidia from living trees (View PDF)
Hofmann, T.A. and Piepenbring, M.
New records and host plants of fly-speck fungi from Panama (View PDF)
Hunter, G.C., Crous, P.W., Wingfield, B.D., Pongpanich, K. and Wingfield, M.J.
Pseudocercospora flavomarginata sp. nov. from Eucalyptus leaves in Thailand (View PDF)
Lee, S., Kim, J.J. and Breuil, C.
Diversity of fungi associated with the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae and infested lodgepole pines in British Columbia (View PDF)
Liu, B., Liu, X.Z., Zhuang, W.Y. and Baral, H.O.
Orbiliaceous fungi from Tibet, China (View PDF)
Nelder, M.P., Beard, C.E., Adler, P.H., Kim, S.K. and McCreadie, J.W.
Harpellales (Zygomycota: Trichomycetes) associated with black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae): world review and synthesis of their ecology and taxonomy (View PDF)
Nuytinck, J., Wang, X.H. and Verbeken, A.
Descriptions and taxonomy of the Asian representatives of Lactarius sect. Deliciosi (View PDF)
Pinnoi, A., Lumyong, S., Hyde, K.D. and Jones, E.B.G.
Biodiversity of fungi on the palm Eleiodoxa conferta in Sirindhorn peat swamp forest, Narathiwat, Thailand (View PDF)
Raja, H.A. and Shearer, C.A.
Arnium gigantosporum, a new ascomycete species from fresh water in Florida (View PDF)
Tran, H.T.M., Stephenson, S.L., Hyde, K.D. and Mongkolporn, O.
Distribution and occurrence of myxomycetes in tropical forests of northern Thailand (View PDF)
Vasilyeva, L.N. and Stephenson, S.L.
Pyrenomycetes of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. III. Cryptosphaeria, Eutypa and Eutypella (Diatrypaceae) (View PDF)
Xiang, M.C., Yang, E.C., Xiao, Q.M., Liu, X.Z. and Chen, S.Y.
Hirsutella vermicola sp. nov., a new species parasitizing bacteria-feeding nematodes (View PDF)
Yao, Y.-J. and Spooner, B.M.
Species Sowerbyella in the British Isles, with validation of Pseudombrophila sect. Nannfeldtiella (Pezizales) (View PDF) |
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Volume 23, October 2006
Alves, A., Correia, A. and Phillips, A.J.L.
Multi-gene genealogies and morphological data support Diplodia cupressi sp. nov., previously recognized as D. pinea f. sp. cupressi, as a distinct species (View PDF)
Antonín, V. and Buyck, B.
Marasmius Basidiomycota, Marasmiaceae) in Madagascar and the Mascarenes (View PDF)
Bogale, M., Wingfield, B.D., Wingfield, M.J. and Steenkamp, E.T.
Characterization of Fusarium oxysporum isolates from Ethiopia using AFLP, SSR and DNA sequence analyses (View PDF)
Carmarán, C.C., Romero, A.I. and Giussani, L.M.
An approach towards a new phylogenetic classification in Diatrypaceae (View PDF)
Den Breeÿen, A. Groenewald, J.Z., Verkley, G.J.M. and Crous, P.W.
Morphological and molecular characterisation of Mycosphaerellaceae associated with the invasive weed, Chromolaena odorata (View PDF)
Devarajan, P.T and Suryanarayanan, T.S.
Evidence for the role of phytophagous insects in dispersal of non-grass fungal endophytes (View PDF)
Duong, L.M., Jeewon, R., Lumyong, S. and Hyde, K.D.
DGGE coupled with ribosomal DNA phylogenies reveal uncharacterized fungal phylotypes on living leaves of Magnolia liliifera (View PDF)
Diversity of Alternaria alternata a common destructive pathogen of Eichhornia crassipes in Egypt and its potential use in biological control (View PDF)
Hidayat, I., Jeewon, R., To-anun, C. and Hyde, K.D.
The genus Oxydothis: New palmicolous taxa and phylogenetic relationships within Xylariales (View PDF)
Liu, C.Y. and Zhuang, W.Y.
Relationships among some members of the genus Otidea (Pezizales, Pyronemataceae) (View PDF)
Novozhilov, Yu.K., Zemlianskaia, I.V., Schnittler, M. and Stephenson, S.L.
Myxomycete diversity and ecology in the arid regions of the Lower Volga River Basin (Russia) (View PDF)
Pereira, O.L. and Barreto, R.W.
Pseudocercospora palicoureae sp. nov. associated with the toxic rubiaceous weed Palicourea marcgravii in Brazil, with observations on its mycobiota (View PDF)
Rivas Plata, E., Lücking, R., Aptroot, A., Sipman, H.J.M., Chaves, J.L., Umaña, L. and Lizano, D.
A first assessment of the Ticolichen biodiversity inventory in Costa Rica: the genus Coenogonium (Ostropales: Coenogoniaceae), with a world-wide key and checklist and a phenotype-based cladistic analysis (View PDF)
Summerell, B.A., Groenewald, J.Z., Carnegie A., Summerbell, R.C. and Crous, P.W.
Eucalyptus microfungi known from culture. 2. Alysidiella, Fusculina and Phlogicylindrium genera nova, with notes on some other poorly known taxa (View PDF)
Vijaykrishna, D., Jeewon, R. and Hyde, K.D.
Molecular taxonomy, origins and evolution of freshwater ascomycetes (View PDF)
Wei, Y.L. and Dai Y.C.
Three new species of Postia (Aphyllophorales, Basidiomycota) from China (View PDF) |
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Volume 24, January 2007
Hu, H.L., Jeewon, R., Zhou, D.Q., Zhou, T.X. and Hyde, K.D.
Phylogenetic diversity of Pestalotiopsis species in Pinus armandii and Ribes spp.: evidence from rDNA and ß-tubulin gene phylogenies (View PDF)
Liu, A.R., Xu, T. and Guo, L.D.
Molecular and morphological description of Pestalotiopsis hainanensis sp. nov., a new endophyte from a tropical region of China (View PDF)
Tejesvi, M.V., Kini, K.R., Prakash, H.S., Ven Subbiah and Shetty, H.S.
Genetic diversity and antifungal activity of species of Pestalotiopsis isolated as endophytes from medicinal plants (View PDF)
Wei, J.G., Xu, T., Guo, L.D., Liu, A.R. Zhang, Y. and Pan, X.H.
Endophytic Pestalotiopsis species associated with plants of Podocarpaceae, Theaceae and Taxaceae in southern China (View PDF)
Aptroot, A., Saipunkaew, W., Sipman, H.J.M., Sparrius, L.B. and Wolseley, P.A.
New lichens from Thailand, mainly microlichens from Chiang Mai (View PDF)
Burgess, T.I., Barber, P.A., Sufaati, S., Xu, D., Hardy, G.E. StJ. and Dell, B.
Mycosphaerella spp. on Eucalyptus in Asia; new species, new hosts and new records (View PDF)
Rufino, M.U.L. and Cavalcanti, L.H.
Alterations in the lignicolous myxomycete biota over two decades at the Dois Irmãos Ecologic State Reserve, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil (View PDF)
Le, H.T., Nuytinck, J., Verbeken, A., Desjardin, D.E. and Lumyong, S.
Lactarius in Northern Thailand: 1. Lactarius subgenus Piperites (View PDF)
Liang, C., Yang, J., Kovács, G.M., Szentiványi, O., Li, B., Xu, X.M. and Kiss, L.
Genetic diversity of Ampelomyces mycoparasites isolated from different powdery mildew species in China inferred from analyses of rDNA ITS sequences (View PDF)
Thormann, M.N. and Rice, A.V.
Fungi from peatlands (View PDF)
Wang, Y.J., Tan, Z.M., Murat, C., Jeandroz, S. and Le Tacon, F.
Molecular taxonomy of Chinese truffles belonging to the Tuber rufum and Tuber puberulum groups (View PDF)
Wei, Y.K., Gao, Y.B., Zhang, X., Su, D., Wang, Y.H., Xu, H., Lin, F., Ren, A.Z., Chen, L. and Nie, L.Y.
Distribution and diversity of Epichloë/Neotyphodium fungal endophytes from different populations of Achnatherum sibiricum (Poaceae) in the Inner Mongolia Steppe, China (View PDF)
Zhuang, W.Y., Nong, T. and Luo, J.
New species and new Chinese records of Bionectriaceae and Nectriaceae (Hypocreales, Ascomycetes) from Hubei, China (View PDF) |
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Volume 25, April 2007
Francisco Arenal, Gonzalo Platas, and Fernando Peláez
A new endophytic species of Preussia (Sporormiaceae) inferred from morphological observations and molecular phylogenetic analysis (View PDF)
Pedro W. Crous, Caroline Mohammed, Morag Glen, Gerard J.M. Verkley and Johannes Z. Groenewald
Eucalyptus microfungi known from culture. 3. Eucasphaeria and Sympoventuria genera nova, and new species of Furcaspora, Harknessia, Heteroconium and Phacidiella (View PDF)
Y.C. Dai H.S. Yuan, X.Q. Zhang and Z. Wang
Systematic revisit of Sparsitubus (Basidiomycota, Aphyllophorales), an unusual cyphelloid polypore from China (View PDF)
Tatiana B. Gibertoni, Paulo J. P. Santos and Maria A. Q. Cavalcanti
Ecological aspects of Aphyllophorales in the Atlantic rain forest in northeast Brazil (View PDF)
Wen-Chao Li, Ju Zhou, Shou-Yu Guo and Liang-Dong Guo
Endophytic fungi associated with lichens in Baihua mountain of Beijing, China (View PDF)
Carlos Lado, Arturo Estrada-Torres and Steven L. Stephenson
Myxomycetes collected in the first phase of a north-south transect of Chile (View PDF)
Sari R. Mohali, Bernard Slippers and Michael J. Wingfield
Identificationof Botryosphaeriaceae from Eucalyptus, Acacia and Pinus in Venezuela
(View PDF)
Olinto L. Pereira, Robert W. Barreto, José Renato Pereira Cavallazzi and Uwe Braun
The mycobiota of the cactus weed Pereskia aculeata in Brazil, with comments on the life-cycle of Uromyces pereskiae (View PDF)
Alan J.L. Phillips, Pedro W. Crous and Artur Alves
Diplodia seriata, the anamorph of “Botryosphaeria” obtusa (View PDF)
U. Pinruan, Kevin D. Hyde, Saisamorm Lumyong, Eric H.C. McKenzie
Occurrence of fungi on tissue of the peat swamp palm Liculala longicalycate (View PDF)
Ágnes Révay and J. Gönczöl
Hyalocamposporium, a new genus of hyphomycetes from submerged wood (View PDF)
Yee-Shin, Dennis E. Desjardin, S. Vikineswary and Noorlidah Abdullah
New species and mating studies of Marasmius from Malaysia (View PDF)
Larissa N. Vasilyeva, Steven L. Stephenson, and Andrew N. Miller
Pyrenomycetes of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. IV. Biscogniauxia, Camaropella, Camarops, Camillea, Peridoxylon and Whalleya (View PDF)
Mei-Lee Wu, Yu-Chih Su, Hans Otto Baral and Shih-Hsiung Liang
Two new species of Hyalorbilia from Taiwan (View PDF)
XuDong Zhou, Z.Wilhelm de Beer, YaoJian Xie, Geoff S. Pegg and Michael J. Wingfield
DNA-based identification of Quambalaria pitereka causing severe leaf blight of Corymbia citriodora in China (View PDF)
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Volume 26, July 2007
Shenoy, B.D., Jeewon, R. and Hyde, K.D.
Impact of DNA sequence-data on the taxonomy of anamorphic fungi (View PDF)
Braun, U. and Crous, P.W.
The diversity of cercosporoid hyphomycetes – new species, combinations, names and nomenclatural clarifications (View PDF)
Chen, J., Xu, L.L., Liu, B. and Liu, X.Z.
Taxonomy of Dactylella complex and Vermispora. I. Generic concepts based
on morphology and ITS sequences data. (View PDF)
Chen, J., Xu, L.L., Liu, B. and Liu, X.Z.
Taxonomy of Dactylella complex and Vermispora. II. The genus Dactylella. (View PDF)
Chen, J., Xu, L.L., Liu, B. and Liu, X.Z.
Taxonomy of Dactylella complex and Vermispora. III. A new genus Brachyphoris and revision of Vermispora. (View PDF)
Crous, P.W., Summerell, B.A., Carnegie A., Mohammed, C., Himaman, W. and Groenewald, J.Z.
Foliicolous Mycosphaerella spp. and their anamorphs on Corymbia and Eucalyptus. (View PDF)
Duan, J.X., Wu, W.P. and Liu, X.Z.
Reinstatement of Coleonaema for Coleophoma oleae and notes on Coleophoma. (View PDF)
Duan, J.X., Wu, W.P. and Liu, X.Z.
Dinemasporium (coelomycetes) (View PDF)
Kirschner, R. and Chen, C.J.
Foliicolous hyphomycetes from Taiwan (View PDF)
Marvanová, L. and Laichmanová, M.
Subulispora biappendiculata sp. nov. from Borneo (Malaysia) and a review of the genus (View PDF)
Nakashima, C., Motohashi, K., Meeboon, J. and To-anun, C.
Studies on Cercospora and allied genera in northern Thailand (View PDF)
Raja, H.A., Stchigel, A.M., Miller, A.N., Crane, J.L. and Shearer,C.A.
Hyphomycetes from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, including three new species (View PDF)
Wang, C.Y., Mo, M.H., Li, X., Tian, B.Y. and Zhang, K.Q.
Morphological characteristics and infection processes of nematophagous Harposporium with reference to two new species (View PDF)
Zhang, Y., Yu, Z.F., Baral, H.O., Qiao, M. and Zhang, K.Q.
Pseudorbilia gen. nov. (Orbiliaceae) from Yunnan, China (View PDF)
Zhao, G.Z., Liu, X.Z, and Wu, W.P.
Helicosporous hyphomycetes from China (View PDF) |
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Volume 27, October 2007
Barber, P.A. and Keane, P.J.
A novel method of illustrating microfungi. (View PDF)
Choi, Y.J., Shin, H.D., Hong, S.B. and Thines, M.
Morphological and molecular discrimination among Albugo candida materials infecting Capsellabursa-pastoris world-wide. (View PDF)
Damm, U., Fourie, P.H. and Crous, P.W.
Aplosporella prunicola, a novel species of anamorphic Botryosphaeriaceae. (View PDF)
González, V., Vánky, K., Platas, G. and Lutz, M.
Portalia gen. nov.(Ustilaginomycotina). (View PDF)
Le, H.T., Stubbe, D., Verbeken, A., Nuytinck, J., Lumyong, S. andDesjardin, D.E.
Lactarius in Northern Thailand: 2. Lactarius subgenus Plinthogali. (View PDF)
Liang, Z.Q., Han, Y.F. and Chu, H.L.
A new thermotolerant Paecilomycesspecies which produces laccase and a biform sporogenous structure. (View PDF)
Lücking, R.
Megalospora imshaugii sp. nov. and M. jamaicensis sp. nov. from Jamaica (Ascomycota: Teloschistales: Megalosporaceae) increase the number of American Megalospora species to ten. (View PDF)
Noordeloos, M.E. and Hausknecht, A.
The genus Entoloma (Basidiomycetes, Agaricales) of the Mascarenes and Seychelles. (View PDF)
Noordeloos, M.E. Vrinda, K.B. and Manimohan, P.
On two remarkable Brown-spored agarics from Kerala State, India. (View PDF)
Ovrebo, C.L. and Baroni, T.J.
New taxa of Tricholomataceae and Entolomataceae (Agaricales) from Central America. (View PDF)
Sánchez Márquez, S., Bills, G.F. and Zabalgogeazcoa, I.
The endophyticmycobiota of the grass Dactylis glomerata. (View PDF)
Shenoy, B.D., Jeewon, R., Lam, W.H., Bhat, D.J., Than, P.P., Taylor, P.W.J.and Hyde, K.D.
Morpho-molecular characterisation and epitypification of Colletotrichum capsici (Glomerellaceae, Sordariomycetes), the causativeagent of anthracnose in chilli. (View PDF)
van Wyk, M., Al Adawi, A.O., Khan, I.A., Deadman, M.L., Al Jahwari,.A.A., Wingfield, B.D., Ploetz, R. and Wingfield, M.J.
Ceratocystismanginecans sp. nov., causal agent of a destructive mango wilt disease in Oman and Pakistan. (View PDF)
Vasilyeva, L.N., Rogers, J.D., and Miller, A.N.
Pyrenomycetes of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. V. Annulohypoxylon and Hypoxylon(Xylariaceae). (View PDF)
Ortiz-Santana, B., Lodge, D.J., Baroni, T.J. and Both, E.E.
Boletes from Belize and the Dominican Republic. (View PDF)
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Volume 28, January 2008
Alves, A., Crous, P.W., Correia, A. and Phillips, A.J.L. - Morphological and molecular data reveal cryptic speciation in Lasiodiplodia theobromae. (View PDF)
Buyck, B., Hofstetter, V., Eberhardt, U., Verbeken, A. and Kauff, F. - Walking the thin line between Russula and Lactarius: the dilemma of Russula subsect. Ochricompactae. (View PDF)
Cui, B.K., Wang, Z. and Dai, Y.C. - Albatrellus piceiphilus sp. nov. on the basis of morphological and molecular characters. (View PDF)
Halıcı, M.G. and Hawksworth, D.L. - Two new species of Dacampia (Ascomycota, Pyrenidiaceae), with a key to and synopsis of the known species of the genus. (View PDF)
Paul, B, Mathew, R., Bala, K., Paul, A., Henry, M., Lefort, F. and Belbahri, L. - Morphology, taxonomy, and phylogenetic analysis of a new species of Pythium isolated from France. (View PDF)
Perry, B.A. and Pfister, D.H. - Chaetothiersia vernalis, a new genus and species of Pyronemataceae (Ascomycota, Pezizales) from California. (View PDF)
Rodas, C.A., Roux, R.J., van Wyk, M., Wingfield, B.D. and Wingfield, M.J. - Ceratocystis neglecta sp. nov., infecting Eucalyptus trees in Colombia. (View PDF)
Soares, D.J. and Barreto, R.W. - Fungal pathogens of the invasive riparian weed Hedychium coronarium from Brazil and their potential for biological control. (View PDF)
Than, P.P., Shivas, R.G., Jeewon, R., Pongsupasamit, S., Marney, T.S., Taylor, P.W.J. and Hyde, K.D. - Epitypification and phylogeny of Colletotrichum acutatum J.H. Simmonds. (View PDF)
Wrigley de Basanta, D., Stephenson, S.L., Lado, C., Estrada-Torres, A. and Nieves-Rivera, A.M. -. Lianas as a microhabitat for myxomycetes in tropical forests. (View PDF) |
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Volume 29, March 2008
Everhart, S.E. and Keller, H.W. - Life history strategies of corticolous myxomycetes: the life cycle, fruiting bodies, plasmodial types, and taxonomic orders. (View PDF)
Isenegger, D.A., Ades, P.K., Ford, R. and Taylor P.W.J. - Status of the Botrytis cinerea species complex and microsatellite analysis of transposon types in South Asia and Australia. (View PDF)
Jacobs, K. and Botha, A. - Mucor renispora sp. nov., a new coprophilous species from Southern Africa. (View PDF)
Kamgan, N.G., Jacobs, K., de Beer, Z.W., Wingfield, M.J. and Roux, J. - Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma species including three new taxa, associated with wounds on native South African trees. (View PDF)
Montoya, L. and Bandala, V.M. - A new species and new records of Lactarius (subgenus Russularia) in a subtropical cloud forest from eastern Mexico. (View PDF)
Ortega, A., Suárez-Santiago, V.N. and Reyes, J.D. - Morphological and ITS identification of Cortinarius species (section Calochroi) collected in Mediterranean Quercus woodlands. (View PDF)
Pinruan, U., Sakayaroj, J., Hyde, K.D., and Jones, E.B.G. - Thailandiomyces bisetulosus gen. et sp. nov. (Diaporthales, Sordariomycetidae, Sordariomycetes) and its anamorph Craspedodidymum, is described based on nuclear SSU and LSU rDNA sequences. (View PDF)
Réblová, M. and Seifert K.A. - A new species of Chaetosphaeria with Menispora ciliata and phialophora-like anamorphs. (View PDF)
Rogers, J.D., Miller, A.N. and Vasilyeva, L.N. - Pyrenomycetes of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. VI. Kretzschmaria, Nemania, Rosellinia and Xylaria (Xylariaceae). (View PDF)
Rojas, C. and Stephenson, S.L. - Myxomycete ecology along an elevation gradient on Cocos Island, Costa Rica. (View PDF) |
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Volume 30, May 2008
Reviews, Critiques and New Technologies
Seena, S., Wynberg, N. and Bärlocher, F. - Fungal diversity during leaf decomposition in a stream assessed through clone libraries. (View PDF)
Aung, O.M., Soytong, K. and Hyde, K.D. - Diversity of entomopathogenic fungi in rainforests of Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. (View PDF)
Duong, L.M., McKenzie, E.H.C., Lumyong, S. and Hyde, K.D. - Fungal succession on senescent leaves of Castanopsis diversifolia in Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Thailand. (View PDF)
Kodsueb, R., McKenzie, E.H.C., Lumyong, S. and Hyde, K.D. - Diversity of saprobic fungi on Magnoliaceae. (View PDF)
Kodsueb, R., McKenzie, E.H.C., Lumyong, S. and Hyde, K.D. - Fungal succession on woody litter of Magnolia liliifera (Magnoliaceae). (View PDF)
Kruys, Å. and Ericson, L. - Species richness of coprophilous ascomycetes in relation to variable food intake by herbivores. (View PDF)
Küffer, N., Gillet, F., Senn-Irlet, B., Aragno, M. and Job, D. - Ecological determinants of fungal diversity on dead wood in European forests. (View PDF)
Novozhilov, Y.K. and Schnittler, M. - Myxomycete diversity and ecology in arid regions of the Great Lake Basin of western Mongolia. (View PDF)
Petersen, R.H. - Species of Xerula from sub-Saharan Africa. (View PDF)
Thongkantha, S., Lumyong, S., McKenzie, E.H.C. and Hyde, K.D. - Fungal saprobes and pathogens occurrence on tissues of Dracaena loureiri and Pandanus spp. (View PDF)
Zamora, P., Martínez-Ruiz, C. and Diez J.J. - Fungi in needles and twigs of pine plantations from northern Spain. (View PDF)
Book Reviews
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