Rajesh is from originally from Mauritius, a tropical and paradise island in the Indian Ocean. After completing his BSc (Hons) in Biology at The University of Mauritius, he was awarded a scholarship to pursue his postgraduate studies and obtained his PhD at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2001. Rajesh then worked as a Post Doctoral Research Associate at The University of Portsmouth (England) where he analyzed bacterial communities associated with wood deterioration using DNA fingerprinting techniques. Rajesh joined the Mycology group [Centre for Research in Fungal Diversity] at the School of Biological Sciences (HKU) as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in 2003. Since then, Rajesh has been working with Professor KD Hyde [the leading mycologist in South East Asia] to teach, supervise research students, write for grants, run the molecular lab and carry out research on fungal diversity and phylogeny.
Education & Employment History
2003-present: Research Fellow & Honorary Assistant Professor (HKU)
2002-2003: Post Doctoral Associate (University of Portsmouth, UK)
2001: PhD (University of Hong Kong)
Thesis Title: Pestalotiopsis Taxonomy: Molecular Phylogenetics, Species nomenclature and Teleomorph relationships (Supervisors: Dr KD Hyde & Dr ECY Liew)
1998: BSc (Hons) Biology with 1st class and 2 Gold medals (University of Mauritius).
Dissertation Title: Impact of cage design on water exchange and growth parameters of an Oreochromis hybrid (Grade A: Supervisor: Dr M Bhikajee, Director, Mauritius Oceanographic Institute).
Academic awards
MSIRI Paul Octave Wiehe Gold Medal (University of Mauritius, 1998)
Compagnie Agricole de Labourdonnais Gold Medal (University of Mauritius, 1998)
Postgraduate scholarship (University of Hong Kong, 1999)
Wang Gungwu scholarship (University of Hong Kong, 1999)
Dean’s honors List (University of Hong Kong, 2001)
HKU awarded Research Fellowship (HKU 2006-2008)
Research Interest
• Taxonomy, molecular systematics (phylogenetics) and microbial ecology.
• Role of endophytes as saprobes and their identification based on molecular methods.
• Use of DNA fingerprinting techniques (e.g. DGGE) to analyse microbial communities.
• Active member in advising and providing guidance in developing research ideas and projects.
• Write research grants and scientific papers, supervise and monitor research needs.
• Establish network of collaboration with scientists; attend international conferences where I present research findings; organise workshops; chair conference sessions.
• Editorial Board Member for Fungal Diversity & Mycological Research (ISSN journals) and review papers for several journals.
Teaching & Supervision
• Involved in teaching (and course coordinating) 2 courses (Bio-exploitation of filamentous fungi & Introductory Microbiology.
• Co-supervised 5 students who have been awarded PhD; currently co-supervising 5 (HKU).
• Also an advisor and provide training to overseas PhD students who visit HKU regularly.
Research Grant Awards 2004-2007
• Evolutionary relationships of loculoascomycetes (fungi) based on a multigene phylogenetic approach (Co-Investigator. RGC, HKU. Awarded June 2004).
• Taxonomy & Phylogeny of Pestalotiopsis, Monochaetia & Seiridium: A genomic and proteomic approach (Co-Investigator. CRCG, HKU. Awarded Feb 2004).
• Diversity of fungal endophytes from Strophanthus divaricatus and a molecular approach towards the identification of nonsporulating endophytes (Principal Investigator. CRCG, HKU. Awarded Oct 2004).
• Diversity, molecular taxonomy of nematophagous fungi and characterisation of microbial enzymes associated with nematode infection (Co-Investigator. CRCG, HKU. Awarded Jan 2005).
• World monograph of Guignardia and its anamorph Phyllosticta (Co-Investigator. CRCG, HKU. Awarded Feb 2006).
• Molecular profiling and phylogenetic diversity of lichenised lithic cyanobacterial and fungal communities associated with limestone rocks (Principal Investigator. CRCG, HKU).
• Fungi on Eucalyptus species in Hong Kong and Thailand. (Co-Investigator. CRCG, HKU. Awarded Feb 2007).
20 selected Publications (*: corresponding author)
1. Jeewon* R, Liew ECY & Hyde* KD. (2002). Phylogenetic relationships of Pestalotiopsis and allied genera inferred from ribosomal DNA sequences and morphological characters. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 25: 378-392. [Impact Factor= 3.5].
2. Jeewon* R, Liew ECY, Simpson, JA, Hodgkiss, IJ & Hyde* KD (2003). Phylogenetic significance of morphological characters in the taxonomy of Pestalotiopsis species. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 27: 372-383. [Impact Factor=3.5].
3. Jeewon, R, Cai L, Zhang K & Hyde* KD (2003). Dyrithiopsis lakefuxianensis gen et sp. nov. from Fuxian Lake, Yunnan, China and notes on the taxonomic confusion surrounding Dyrithium. Mycologia 95: 911-920. [Impact Factor= 1.5].
4. Jeewon* R, Liew ECY & Hyde KD (2003). Molecular systematics of the Amphisphaeriaceae based on cladistic analyses of partial LSU rDNA sequences. Mycological Research 107: 1392-1402. [Impact Factor= 1.8].
5. Jeewon* R, Liew, ECY & Hyde KD (2004). Phylogenetic evaluation of species nomenclature of Pestalotiopsis in relation to host association. Fungal Diversity 17: 39-55. [Impact Factor= 2.2].
6. Duong LM, Lumyong S, Hyde KD & Jeewon* R (2004). Emarcea castanopsicola gen. et sp. nov. from Thailand, a new xylariaceous taxon based on morphology and DNA sequences. Studies in Mycology 50: 253-260. [Impact Factor= 2.9].
7. Vijaykrishna D, Mostert L, Jeewon R, Hyde KD & Crous, P.W (2004). Pleurostomosphora, an anamorph of Pleurostoma (Calosphaeriales), a new anamorph genus morphologically similar to Philophora. Studies in Mycology 50: 387-398. [Impact Factor=2.9].
Li Y, Hyde KD, Jeewon R, Cai L. Vijaykrishna D. & Zhang, K. (2005). Phylogenetics and Evolution of Nematode-Trapping Fungi (Orbiliales) estimated from Nuclear & Protein Coding Genes. Mycologia 97: 1034-2006
8. 1046. [Impact Factor= 1.5].
9. Promputtha I, Jeewon R, Lumyong S, McKenzie, EHC & Hyde KD (2005). Ribosomal DNA fingerprinting in the identification of non-sporulating endophytes from Magnolia liliifera (Magnoliaceae) Fungal Diversity 20: 167-186. [Impact Factor= 2.2].
10. Tang AMC, Jeewon R & Hyde KD (2005). Successional patterns of microfungi in fallen leaves of Castanopsis fissa (Fagaceae) in Hong Kong forest. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 51: 967-974. [Impact Factor= 1.2].
11. Kodsueb R, Vijaykrishna D, Aptroot A, Lumyong S, McKenzie EHC, Hyde KD & Jeewon* R, (2006). The family Pleosporaceae: intergeneric relationships and phylogenetic perspectives based on sequence analyses of partial 28S rDNA. Mycologia 98: 571-583. [Impact Factor= 1.5].
12. Cai L, Jeewon R & Hyde KD (2006). Phylogenetic investigations of Sordariaceae based on multiple gene sequences and morphology. Mycological Research 110:137-150. [Impact Factor= 1.8].
13. Tang AMC, Jeewon R & Hyde KD (2007). Phylogenetic utility of protein (RPB2, b-tubulin) and ribosomal (18S, 28S) gene sequences in the systematics of Sordariomycetes (Ascomycota, Fungi). Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 91: 327-349 [Impact Factor= 1.9].
14. Shenoy BD, Jeewon R, Wenping WP, Bhat DJ & Hyde KD (2006). Ribosomal and RPB2 DNA sequence analyses suggest that Sporidesmium and morphologically similar genera are polyphyletic. Mycological Research 110:916-928 [Impact Factor= 1.8].
15. Kodsueb R, McKenzie EHC, Lumyong S, Hyde KD & Jeewon* R, (2006). Molecular phylogeny of Aquaticheirospora broccolii; a new synnematous hyphomycete taxon from Thailand and its teleomorphic affinities to Massarinaceae. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 155: 283-296. [Impact Factor= 0.8].
16. Promputtha I, Lumyong S, Vijaykrishna D, McKenzie EHC, Hyde KD & Jeewon* R, (2007). A phylogenetic evaluation of whether endophytes become saprotrophs at host senescence. Microbial Ecology 53: 579-590. [Impact Factor= 2.5].
17. Wang HK, Aproot A, Crous PW, Hyde KD, & Jeewon* R, (2007). The polyphyletic nature of Pleosporales: An example from Massariosphaeria based on ribosomal DNA and RBP2 gene phylogenies. Mycological Research : (in press) [Impact Factor= 1.8].
18. Zhang Y, Jeewon* R, Fournier J & Hyde* KD (2007). (2007). Amniculicola lignicola gen et sp. nov., a new freshwater fungus from France and its relationships to the Pleosporales based on ribosomal DNA and RPB2 gene sequences. Mycological Research: (in press) [Impact Factor= 1.8].
19. Than PP, Jeewon* R, Hyde* KD, Pongsupasami S, Mongkolporn O & Taylor PWJ. (2007). Characterization and pathogenicity of Colletotrichum species associated with anthracnose disease on chilli (Capsicum spp.) in Thailand. Plant Pathology (in press) [Impact Factor= 2.1].
20. Cabanela MV, Jeewon* R & Hyde* KD (2007). Morphotaxonomy and phylogeny of Paoayensis lignicola gen et sp. nov. (ascomycetes) from submerged wood in Paoay Lake, Ilocos Norte, the Philippines. Cryptogamie Mycologie (in press) [Impact Factor= 0.4].
20 other publications
21. Bahl J, Jeewon R, & Hyde KD (2005). Phylogeny of Rosellinia capetribulensis sp. nov. and its allies (Xylariaceae).Mycologia 97: 1102-1110. [Impact Factor= 1.5].
22. Shenoy BD, Jeewon R & Hyde KD (2005). Oxydothis bambusicola, a new ascomycete with a massive subapical ascal ring from bamboo in Hong Kong. Nova Hedwigia 80: 511-518. [Impact Factor= 0.6].
23. Cai L., Jeewon, R, & Hyde KD (2005). Phylogenetic evaluation and taxonomic revision of Schizothecium based on ribosomal DNA and protein coding genes. Fungal Diversity 19: 1-17. [Impact Factor= 1.2].
24. Shenoy BD, Vijaykrishna D, Cai L, Jeewon R, Bhat DJ & Hyde K D. (2005). Pseudohalonectria saccharicola sp. nov. and three interesting fungi from tropics Cryptogamie Mycologie 26: 123-132 [Impact Factor= 0.4].
25. Vijaykrishna D, Jeewon R & Hyde KD (2005). Fusoidispora aquatica: New freshwater ascomycetes from Hong Kong based on morphology and molecules. Sydowia 57: 267-280. [Impact Factor=0.3].
26. Kodsueb R, Jeewon R, Vijaykrishna D, Hyde KD, McKenzie EHC & Lumyong S. (2006). Systematic revision of Tubeufiaceae based on morphological and molecular data. Fungal Diversity 21: 104-129. [Impact Factor= 2.2 1].
27. Tsui CKM, Berbee M, Jeewon R & Hyde KD (2006). Molecular phylogeny of Dictyosporium and allied genera inferred from ribosomal DNA. Fungal Diversity 21: 157-166. [Impact Factor= 2.2].
28. Cai L, Jeewon R & Hyde KD (2006). Molecular systematics of Zopfiella and allied genera: evidence from multigene sequence analyses. Mycological Research 110:359-368 [Impact Factor= 1.8].
29. Duong LM, Jeewon R, Lumyong S & Hyde KD (2006). DGGE coupled with ribosomal DNA phylogenies reveal uncharacterized fungal phylotypes on living leaves of Magnolia liliifera. Fungal Diversity 23: 121-138. [Impact Factor= 2.2].
30. Li Y, Jeewon R, Zhang K, Mo M & Hyde KD (2006). Two new species of nematode trapping fungi and their phylogenies based on ribosomal DNA sequences. Mycological Research 110:790-780 [Impact Factor= 1.8].
31. Vijaykrishna D, Jeewon R & Hyde KD (2006). Molecular taxonomy, origins and evolution of freshwater ascomycetes. Fungal Diversity 23: 367-406. [Impact Factor= 2.2].
32. Hidayat I, Jeewon R, To-anun C & Hyde KD (2006). The genus Oxydothis: New palmicolous taxa and phylogenetic relationships within Xylariales. Fungal Diversity 23: 367-406. [Impact Factor= 2.2 ].
33. Bhilabutra W, Lumyong S, Jeewon R, McKenzie EHC & Hyde KD. (2006) Neolinocarpon penniseti sp nov on the grass Pennisetum purpureum (Poaceae) Cryptogamie Mycologie 27 : 305-310. [Impact Factor= 0.4].
34. Yeung QSY, Jeewon R & Hyde KD (2006). Cancellidium pinicola sp. nov. from Pinus massoniana and its phylogeny. Cryptogamie Mycologie 27:295-304 [Impact Factor= 0.4].
35. Pinnoi A, Jeewon R, Sakayaroj J, Hyde KD & EBG Jones. (2007). Berkleasmium crunisia sp. nov. and its teleomorphic affinities to the Pleosporales based on 18S, 28S and ITS-5.8S rDNA sequence analyses. Mycologia. 99:378-384 [Impact Factor= 1.5].
36. Shenoy BD, Jeewon R, & Hyde KD (2007). Impact of DNA sequence-data on the taxonomy of anamorphic fungi. Fungal Diversity 26: 1-54. [Impact Factor= 2.2].
37. Hu H, Jeewon R, Zhou D, Zhou T & Hyde KD (2007). Phylogenetic diversity of Pestalotiopsis species from Pinus armandii and Ribes spp: evidence from rDNA and Beta tubulin gene phylogenies and morphology. Fungal Diversity 24:1-22 [Impact Factor= 2.2].
38. Tang AMC, Jeewon R, & Hyde KD (2007). Phylogenetic relationships of Nemania plumbea sp. nov. and related taxa based on ribosomal ITS and RPB2 sequences. Mycological Research 111: 392-402 [Impact Factor= 1.8].
39. Zhao RL, Jeewon R, Grand E, Desjardin D, Soytong K & Hyde KD (2007). Ribosomal DNA phylogenies of Cyathus: Is current morphotaxonomic classification robust? Mycologia 99:385-395 [Impact Factor= 1.5].
40. Shenoy BD, Jeewon R, Lam WH, Hyde KD, Bhat DJ & Taylor PWJ (2007). Morpho-molecular characterisation and epitypification of Colletotrichum capsici, causal agent of anthracnose in chilli. Fungal Diversity 27: (in press) [Impact Factor= 2.2
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