Report on International workshop on “Freshwater Fungi Along a Latitudinal Gradient in East Asia - Morphology, Molecular and Biodiversity Studies”.
The First International Freshwater Fungi workshop
28, Aug – 4th, Sep
Northeast Forestry University, Harbin China

28, Aug 2007
Morning: Opening ceremony
Prof Song Rui Qing offered a welcoming speech.
General Introduction by Prof Hyde
Prof Hyde gave an general introduction on the research of freshwater fungi, why we study it; what shall we study; what we have done and what we need to do in the future.
Presenter Dr Rajesh Jeewon
Title Molecular experiment on freshwater fungi
Presenter Dr Wang Hong Kai
Title Introduction of freshwater fungi in Biotechnology institute, Zhejiang
Presenter Prof Lu Bing Sheng
Title A brief review of freshwater ascomycetes
Presenter PhD Candidate Wang Jing
Title Fungal community on submerged wood from different streams in Lijiang,
Presenter PhD Candidate Zhang Ying
Title Pleosporales: morpho-molecular phylogeny and typification
29, Aug, 2007
Field trip - sample collection

Dr Hyde gave us a “hands on” practical on what should we pay attention to when we go out to collect samples in the field.
Firstly, we need to choose an ideal site, such as clear and clean streams or lakes.

Normally we should like go to the upstream of the entry point, and collect samples in an upstream direction of the rivers or streams.
Normally, we collect submerged wood or twigs that have been submerged for a long-time to establish that the fungi has colonized the samples. Be sure not to collect the newly falling down parts of the plant debris. And also be sure not to collect all the 50 samples from the same place.

All the samples should be kept in a moist environment and brought to the laboratory as soon as possible for further incubation and examination.

We chose 2 sites to collect samples. One is in the up-stream of the river that is quite far away from human activities as well as agriculture. The other one is in the down-stream part of the river and very near to the agricultures.

50 samples were collected from each site.
30, Aug , 2007
Lab practical in the morning.

Dr Hyde gives us a lecture about how to observe Ascomycetes and their anamorphs, Hyphomycetes and Coelomycetes as well as how to make slides of them and how to do single spore isolations.
There are two ways for single spore isolation. One is to make spore suspensions as usual, the other one is to stick the ascomata on the inverse top of the cover dishes, and then the spore will eject to the surface of the culture medium within 2 to 24 hours. Then remove the spore together with the agar to a new PDA plate for further growth.

In the afternoon, Dr Rajesh gives us three lectures on the topic of:
1 How to make a Molecular Experimental Design
2 How to write a good paper
3 What is Phylogeny and Systemetics
31, Aug, 2007
Practical in the lab
Dr Hyde give us a special lecture on the topic of : How wood decays
Including two types of decay on wood and two kinds of fungi will occur: The terrestrial and those under water.
In the afternoon, Wang Jing gave a “hands on” practical on single spore isolation.
1th, Sep, 2007
Students are practicing on single spore isolation and identification.
2th, Sep, 2007
Conclusion of the workshop |